Tuesday, May 6, 2008

And so it begins...

It has happened. I have been thrust into the world of blogging by virtue of "encouragement" by someone I work with who marvels that I have made it this far into my career without embracing the world of technolgy that surrounds me.

This assumption has always amused me. While not a "tech-head", I certainly know how to get around a keyboard. (Both computer and piano!) From my perspective, computer skills are great to have, but don't overshadow the need to also develop creativity and people skills in doing your job. All too often I see a rush to the latest and greatest technological trends...while foregoing basic social interactions necessary to live and work in a civil society.

How often have you tried to strike up a conversation with someone, only to realize that they're in their own world listening to their iPod or on their cell phone using a Bluetooth earpiece? What about the preponderence of emails you must wade through everyday, when a simple face-to-face discussion or phonecall might have been much more appreciated?

I'm not adverse to technology...I own a digital camera, cell phone, two laptop computers, three HDTVs, two iPods (four if you include my wife's and son's), even my recumbant excercise bicycle has a digital programming feature! It's just that I believe that it is important that we realize the importance of getting out of the house and being active both physically and socially.

On the work front, I think it's important to do your best, and if that means using technology to better do your job, great. But also realize that technology is just a tool to help you apply what you've learned over the years in school, on the job and in life, and it's that combination of assests that makes your contributions worthwhile. Enjoy your job and the people you work with...make an effort today to send at least one less internal email and meet with someone personally instead!

Those are my musings for the day. Hopefully they struck a chord?

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